À propos des ressources
About Carina Raisman
About Carina’s Approach
About Yogatherapy
About Yoga Re:source
Meet Carina
With a strong passion and interest for health, Carina devoted her studies to conventional and allopathic medicine, with a BSc in Microbiology & Immunology at McGill University; including studies in the Faculty of Pharmacology in Montpellier, France.
Her main intentions and questions have always revolved around finding the optimal conditions to reestablish health and to maintain health. Through her yoga studies and practices, Carina now creates a bridge between human Physiology and Yoga Philosophy.
With extensive training and over 20 years experience, Carina now offers private consultations to address particular health needs of each individual; and facilitates Anatomy, Physiology, Stress Management and other aspects Yoga Therapeutics via Teacher Training Programs.
The passion and curiosity continue, and fuel her ongoing quest to share the essentials of health, and how to make it accessible, efficient, and sustainable.
Carina’s Approach
A Private Class is Yoga for You
From the moment I met Carina, my life has shifted and expanded in so many ways. I have learned the art of cultivating balance in my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and feel so empowered to take care of my wellbeing in simple and practical ways. Be able to maintain that balance is what has allowed my life to open in in ways I could have never imagined, allowing me to experience flow in my life and in my work. I have a better relationship and understanding of my health since working with Carina.
About Yogatherapy
Yoga is renowned for its health benefits; how it helps to balance the body and sharpen the mind.
Adding the therapeutic component is knowing how to practice in a way that is right for you.
When practicing Yoga for You, the techniques and the tools are applied in a way that allows you to feel the benefits of your yoga practice – all day and all the time – not only when you’re on the yoga mat.
A vast and versatile toolbox allows us to recognize – then reeducate – the physical, mental and behavioral patterns that tend to limit one’s optimal functioning.
As a therapeutic tool, yoga aims to establish the necessary conditions for health to ensue, and as such, can be used to address and accompany any treatment, diagnosis, and imbalance.
Learn simple and accessible ways to feel balanced, vibrant, resourceful, resilient and relaxed.
To speak with Carina before booking, please contact her at carina@resourceyoga.com
About Re:source
Yoga as complementary and sustainable health care
Re:source Yoga Therapy, Montreal’s premiere school for Yoga Therapeutics, provides tools and techniques allowing you to create a sustainable health care system, and the basis for a happy, healthy life.
Founded by Carina Raisman, the Re:source mission is to provide resources and simple ways to learn about how to be proactive in taking care of your health.
By applying modern medical research to the ancient wisdom of Yoga, the Health as a Whole program, considers health to be a collective response of all systems working together in favor of balance, efficiency, and adaptation.
Re:source Yourself
With the aim to first reestablish balance in the nervous system, and then train the nervous system to maintain balance despite tension, stress, and challenges, Re:source offers a practical learning process that equips you with tools for every situation in life.
Through education, insight and the exploration of these principles, the Re:source approach provides clarity, health and balance. Come learn how yoga goes beyond the mat, and into your quality of life.
Re:source is a member of, and is recognised as an official training school by,
the Quebec Association of Naturopaths and Natural Therapists of Quebec.
*Insurance receipts available (ND)
Yoga for You
Book a private yoga therapy session, personalized and adapted to your health needs.
A private yoga therapy session is really a moment dedicated to you, enjoying Yoga for You.
When you come for your rdv, we take the time to look at your health form, so that you can better understand what is happening in your body, and the steps to take to restablish and maintain health.
We then put theory to practice, and learn enough to be able to integrate some tips into your daily life, so that the benefits be sustainable and long-term.
Recognised by ANPQ, Carina offers insurance receipts as a Naturopath
Interested in learning more about the theory that supports the practice?
Book a 3-hour block to take time to ask your questions,
and learn easy and effective ways to take care of your health,
and of yourself.